Bill Schmid was an exceptional member of Advent Lutheran Church who showed genuine kindness and generously received my family when we joined the congregation. He had an unwavering commitment to his beliefs and the church community. Bill is a passionate member of the choir and inspired others with his beautiful singing and his upright walk in in faith. I found his spirit of hope inspiring, and his commitment to his beliefs and church community was nothing short of remarkable.
Bill in His Own Words
It is easy to let you know what was the basis for my faith walk. It was a response to family via parents, grandparents, who all set a standard i.e., Sunday attendance in church was necessary and living life in observance to the Commandments as Jesus spoke them: to love God with heart, mind, and spirit, and to love my neighbors as myself.
My grandmother, with whom my family lived in the same house, had a secret hope for me to become a preacher.
She died on January 1, 1957. That was before I accepted the Call to prepare, educationally, to become a pastor.
I consider my call now is to … fulfill a promise that I made to my Grandpa Delphi Wolfgang … “to be like him”.
Bill Schmid
Following the Call, I achieved a degree of Bible and Philosophy from Elizabethtown College in 1962, and Master of Divinity, followed by Ordination in the Evangelical United Brethren Church (EUB) church.
I transferred into the Lutheran Church in America (LCA) in 1968, accepted a Call to St. Paul church, Carlisle, Pa as an assistant Pastor. In 1971 I became the senior Pastor of the same congregation.
I felt the need to enter the Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg and received my Master of Sacred Theology degree in 1978.
It was necessary for me to take a break and did so by leaving the ministry and working for my family’s business, The D E Wolfgang Candy Co. I retired at age 65 in the year 2000.
I consider my call now is to fulfill my relationship with the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – via my Baptism and fulfill a promise that I made to my Grandpa Delphi Wolfgang, a promise I made, to and for myself, when I found him, where and when he died, “to be like him”. He was such a kind person.
So, there you have how I became who I am; the next best things that have happened are my marriage to Eileen June Stambaugh, fathering two great sons, Michael and Stephen Schmid and my two granddaughters Laurel and Stella Schmid.
…observance to the Commandments as Jesus spoke them: to love God with heart, mind, and spirit, and to love my neighbors as myself.
Bill Schmid
Rev. William L. Schmid, affectionately known as Bill, gracefully entered the Church Triumphant on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Born in December 1935 to William H. and Ruby Wolfgang Schmid in York, Bill was deeply cherished by his family and community. He joins his late wife, Eileen J. Schmid, in eternal peace.