All of us are lost. Born lost. From the moment of our conception. Before our first breath is even taken, we are bound by the enemy in sin. But, all of us can leave that old life behind and become a Christian.
As I was reading through my mother’s Bible recently, I found a bookmark that has instructions for “How to Become a Christian”. I was intrigued by this because I have never come across a bookmark like this before and it outlines a quick list of scripture-based ways to lay the basic foundation before the heart of man.
I decided to share this here for others to read through and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of the Gospel to you whether you are already following Christ or if this is your first time reading about our Lord.
I will also note here that in the future I will be writing a post about my mother’s Bible version. It is the “The Living Bible”, given to her by Grace United Methodist Bible School. That would place this version around the early 1970’s. I really enjoy the translation and the easy to read and understand text. I find some of the scriptures that I am very familiar with being revealed to me in a new way and with more profound truths.
Let Us Walk Together.
The bookmark instructs us to first read Isaiah 1:18. God invites us to take up a personal conversation with Him and explains to us the truly dire situation we are faced with, but eludes to his solution to this given to us out of his grace.
Now let us read Romans 3:23. Gods saving gift is given freely because all men are equal in sin.
Then we will read John 3:36.
Now let’s move to John 3:16, one of the Bible’s most used and profound verse’s. I am adding in the surrounding verse’s as well to add some context. The entire words of Christ here in John are so very powerful and a statement that penetrates right to the heart of man.
Now turn to Romans 10:9-13.
After reading the verses above humble yourself before the Lord and pray in this way:
Jesus taught us how to pray in Matthew and please read the full chapter if you can because he outlines those things we should not do when praying. Pray the prayer below humbled of heart and out loud:
For assurance in your salvation and the saving grace of our Lord through his Son Jesus, read from 1 John and John.