Today is the Best Day of My Life, A Testimony With Joe Still

Michael Daly
10 Min Read

An Introduction by The Story Retold

On March 28,2021, Joe Still took to the microphone to share his testimony with the congregation at Lebanon Area Evangelical Free Church (LAEFC).

As Joe’s pastor stated before his testimony, and as you will hear time and time again on this site, and from other Christian’s, it is so very vital and important to share our personal stories of faith with one another. Jesus is a personal God, and he walks with each and every one of us personally, through this life. Take a moment now to walk with Joe and our Lord.

In Joe’s Own Words

Good morning, my name is Joe Still… …and I’m here, and I’m ready to share my testimony with all of you.

Throughout my life there were many times when God was showing up and was present, and only by his grace am I still here today.

When I was six years old my family was involved in a horrific car accident. I sustained some very serious head trauma and over the next six years of my life I had to undergo four major plastic surgeries to repair the injuries I sustained to my face.

God was there throughout it all.

Fast forward a little bit to April 2005. I was enlisted in the United States Air Force, and I was stationed at Wright-Patterson Medical Center. During that time, I suffered a severe brain aneurysm. My anterior communicating artery had ruptured.

God was there.

I was able to get to help. While I was laying in the emergency department a doctor instructed me to call my parents. I called my mom and dad. I told them I loved them and as the doctor passed through the room he looked around and he said it’ll probably be the last phone call that guy makes.

God was there.

After being transferred down to a trauma center and undergoing a procedure called coiling, I woke up surrounded by my family and spent time in the hospital recovering.

God was there.

My wife informed me we were expecting, and God was there that same year in 2005 during the birth of my daughter. There were some complications. My daughter was fine, but her mother was not. I witnessed things that day that I never wanted to see again, and I still don’t want to see again.

God was there.

Standing in the hallway, the doctor discussed some things about her condition and what we were going to do to progress and get her the help she needed. The doctored asked to pray with me, and I said no. I said, I need you to get back in that room and fix my wife.

God was there.

After a couple days of people telling me that they were praying for me and coming to my house, I couldn’t take it. I went to the chapel in the hospital where there was a reflecting pond pool set up. When you looked into it you didn’t see your face, you saw the face of Jesus Christ, and I looked at the pool, and I looked at the face in the water, and I prayed.

I thanked Him. I said, please comfort Nicole. Please help her. Please get her through this.

After a few weeks, I think a month, Nicole was discharged from the hospital, and we got to go home and start our family.

After about six months I was eventually retired from the United States Air Force, and we returned to Pennsylvania.

Following that, we had some highs and lows, and, on the outside, I had things together. I had a daughter, and we would build a house in Jonestown. In 2009 we adopted our son Levi and in 2010 I accepted a job with the federal government.

Things were going well until 2011. I moved all my stuff into a storage unit, filed for a divorce and shortly after I had limited custody of my children. The next four years were pretty rough. I didn’t have enough money to pay bills. I didn’t take care of myself and i was on a really good roll with poor choices.

In 2013 my youngest daughter Riley was born but I was at the point where i pretty much wanted everything to end.

I received a message shortly after that from a gentleman named Bill Smith and he told me today was the best day of my life. I smiled because Bill Smith said that to me every day growing up. Every day I saw Mr. Smith in the fifth grade he would greet me and say, today’s the best day of your life!

Today was different. I asked him, why?

Because, I have the love of Jesus Christ in my heart.

Bill Smith

I stayed in bed that day and i cried. I cried a lot. My life was a mess, and I was financially broken. My family was in trouble, and I didn’t know who to talk to.

I did have a few good friends that stuck by me, and they did their best to listen to me. They invited me places, picked up my tabs and bought me dinners. Frequently I’d find gift cards in my keyboard at work for groceries. I had worn the soles out of my shoes, and someone even bought me shoes one time at work.

One weekend Amanda and Chris Miller invited me to church, and they said come sit with us. Before the service even started, I stood back there in the back, in front of the audio booth and I cried a real ugly cry.

I wept the entire worship song and God was here and He held me because I was broken.

I asked God in between sobs; will you please fix me?

Joe Still

That same year at Christmas I invited my parents to come, and we stood here after the program and when we were all asked if anybody wanted to know more about a relationship with Jesus Christ to silently stand. I shot up so fast I almost ripped my mom’s arm off.

2014 started some transitions for me. I met some really awesome people at the church and I was able to be a cheer dad. I started a running routine in 2015 and I ran the Air Force marathon.

Sundays were for church and I look forward to the sermon and how I could practice the next steps in my journey.

God was there.

I was awarded 50/50 custody of my children and I met my new wife, Paula. We were married and moved into our new home.

God was there.

I had not seen my youngest daughter Riley since her birth. She was now five and that weighed heavy on my heart every single day. So, I had to build a bridge, reach out and extend my hand.

In 2018 my wife and i expressed publicly that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and we were committed to knowing, living and sharing the heart of Jesus at the Lebanon Area Evangelical Free Church.

Since that time, I’ve gotten to participate in some great events. I’ve organized two sportsmen’s banquets here at LAEFC. Me, a sinner, absolutely full of poor choices, was asked to lead a ministry event!

God was there.

During this journey I’ve met so many great Christians. I’ve had the opportunity to do so many great things through fishing rodeos and ministering to our youth.

During the darkest times when i wanted to give up, people crossed my path, welcomed me in, and extended a lifeline. Asked me if i could perform a basket catch during a halftime routine, if i could make paint or mow.

I was able to be that neighbor that so many people in this congregation were to me.

God is here.

Today’s the best day of my life!

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