The Sunday School Times
Let us reflect upon the beauty and wisdom that the past has left behind. The timeless stories and articles featured in “The Sunday School Times” continue to inspire and guide us to this day. These precious writings were contributed by readers, Sunday school teachers, and pastors who shared their valuable insights and experiences.
We are thrilled to share with you the first in a series of posts that delve into the profound topics discussed in these writings. Let us be uplifted by the powerful teachings and meaningful messages contained within these pages. May they remind us of our potential to shape the world around us for the better and inspire us to live with purpose and conviction in our shared faith.
An Excerpt from the “Sunday School Times”
It is the “where I am” that makes heaven. The life after death might become, through its very endlessness, a burden to our spirits, if it were not to be filled with the infinite variety and freshness of God’s love.
Some have shrunk from its very infinitude, because they have not realized what God’s love can make of it. Human love helps us to understand this.
When we have come to love any one with all our power of affection, then there is no monotony or weariness in the days and hours we spend with them. We begin to look with jealousy on anything that may interrupt our intercourse with them, and to look forward with joyfulness to the prospect of having long and happy days with them.
But even the best human characters have their limitations in this respect. With God it is not so, and it is his presence which will make the life after death one of endless joy.
-The Sunday School Times May 5, 1901 Vol 43 Iss 20
God’s Glorious Love
As we go through our daily lives, it’s important that we take a moment to pause, to reflect, and to marvel at the glorious love of God — a love so vast and infinite that the limits of the human mind cannot fully conceive of it. Despite our imperfections and shortcomings, God’s love for us is boundless. It sustains us, uplifts us, and carries us through the darkest of days.
So let us take heart, dear friends, and hold fast to the truth that God’s love is a constant source of inspiration and hope. No matter what life may throw our way, we can trust that His love will continue to guide us on our journey, infusing every step with meaning, purpose, and joy.
Go First to Scripture
When it comes to love, we can confidently turn to Scripture as our ultimate guide. God has given us His Word to reveal His perfect definition of love and we can trust that it is the most reliable source.
Scripture tells us that God’s love is the ultimate embodiment of grace, mercy, and compassion. Within its pages, we can learn how to navigate life’s challenges, how to cultivate love and compassion for others, and how to draw closer to God’s heart. As we meditate on the Gospel and immerse ourselves in the teachings of those who came before us, we find a sense of peace and reassurance that only comes from knowing that we are cherished and loved unconditionally.
The Gospel writers provide a valuable perspective on how they interpreted God’s love. As we seek to understand and express love in our own lives, we can walk in confidence knowing that we have a solid foundation to build upon. Let’s embrace the wisdom found in God’s Word and boldly live out His definition of love.
God is Love
John tells us that God is love. The Church has a rich tradition that dates back to the earliest days of Christianity which recognizes the authorship of the Letters of John to be attributed to the Apostle John, who was personally chosen by Jesus to become one of His twelve disciples.
John was famously known as the son of Zebedee and was considered to be the one who was most loved by Jesus, as mentioned in the Gospel of John. Scholars and theologians alike have studied the ancient texts and have come to revere the author for his contribution to the Christian canon. The Letters of John have been considered a valuable resource for Christians throughout history, yielding insights and teachings that still resonate with believers today.
John’s teachings on biblical love are substantial and rooted in the fundamental belief that it is a sign of being born of God and knowing Him. His message is crystal clear: believers must demonstrate their love for God by loving one another as this is stated in 1 John 4:7-12. This divine love not only serves as evidence of God’s presence in their lives but also becomes instrumental in displaying God’s love to the rest of the world.
John powerfully emphasizes the fact that hate is always from a demonic source. Those who hate are not “abiding” in Christ, and therefore, anyone who claims to love God must prove it by loving their brothers and sisters. As children of God and brothers and sisters of one another, love for each other is a commandment from God that must be taken seriously. By following John’s teachings, believers become loving and Christlike, and can lead others to experience the divine love that comes from God.
Love’s Bedrock
With fervent zeal, we declare that love is the essence that fuels life’s journey, an unstoppable force that flows from God – the originator of all that is good and perfect. We proudly proclaim that our understanding of love springs from God’s boundless and heavenly love towards us.
Without the warmth of God’s love, we would be lost in a world of confusion, unable to fathom the beauty of love. But because God’s love forms the bedrock of love itself, we can stand tall and declare that love is magnificent, enduring, and infinite, just as God is.
We stand amazed at the depths of His love, and we are thankful that we can encounter it and share it with others. Truly, we strongly assert that God’s love is the catalyst that ignites all other love, and we delight in spreading this flame of love to all corners of the world as His ambassadors.
God’s Love in Eternity
God’s love in eternity is a promise that we can hold onto during the difficult times, a gift that we can cherish every day, and a blessing that is beyond measure. With this love as our guide, we can overcome any obstacle and conquer anything that comes our way. So let us embrace the greatness of eternity and all that it has in store for us, with the confidence that God’s love will always shine through.
The concept of eternity may seem overwhelming, but it is also a beacon of hope. We may struggle to comprehend it, but we can rest assured that love is the key to unlocking its treasures.