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- Create Date June 5, 2023
- Last Updated June 5, 2023
The Dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus
The Dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus is a Middle English poem that depicts a conversation between King Solomon and the planet Saturn. The poem explores themes such as fate, destiny, and the transient nature of human life. Saturn represents the malevolent force of fate, while Solomon represents the divine wisdom and intellectual curiosity of humanity.
Through their dialogue, they debate the meaning of life and the nature of humanity's existence. Saturn argues that humans are insignificant and subject to the whims of fate, while Solomon maintains that humanity has the power to overcome fate through knowledge and virtue.
The poem ultimately presents a moral lesson about the importance of seeking knowledge and living a virtuous life as a means of transcending the limitations of fate. The concept of free will and the ability to shape one's own destiny is a theme that runs throughout the poem and is especially relevant to modern readers.